3 projections on different walls of an empty gallery space, two with vegetation and a road; another one with a figure dressed in white, surrounded by a vibrant red glow

Hartwig Art Production | Collection Fund

Since 2020, the Fund supports artists in the realisation of ambitious productions. Artworks acquired through the Fund will be donated to the Dutch state ('Rijkscollectie').

  Detail of Dala Nasser, Adonis River (2023). Photo Bob, courtesy Renaissance Society

The Hartwig Art Production | Collection Fund was initiated in 2020 to support artists in the realisation of ambitious productions. Artworks acquired through the Fund will be donated to the Dutch state. They become an integral part of the national art collection (‘Rijkscollectie’), available for institutions in the Netherlands and abroad.


Ana Guedes
Agnieszka Kurant
Anna Dasović 
Dala Nasser
Édgar Calel
Em’Kal Eyongakpa
Family Connection (Rudsel Martinus, Glenda Martinus, Gala Martinus, Quinsy Gario, Jörgen Gario, Caldron Lewis and Whitney Lewis)
Geo Wyeth
Grada Kilomba
Jabu Arnell
Joy Mariama Smith
Kent Chan
Kevin Osepa
Luana Vitra
Maria Pask
Mariana Castillo Deball
Mariëlle Videler
Meriem Bennani
Monira Al Qadiri
Neo Matloga
Nolan Oswald Dennis
Ola Hassanain
Renato Leotta
Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė, Vaiva Grainytė & Lina Lapelyte
Saeeda Saeed
Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide)
Silvia Martes
Tolia Astakhishvili
Wang Tuo
Kan Xuan

Commissioning Committee

To ensure the long-term continuation of the Fund’s ambitions and to build upon the achievements of the inaugural Special Project 2020/2021 (see below), the Commissioning Committee has been curating productions and acquisitions on behalf of Hartwig Art Foundation.

The Commissioning Committee is composed of Myriam Ben Salah, Carolyn Christov Bakargiev, Charl Landvreugd, Sohrab Mohebbi, Gabi Ngcobo, Emily Pethick & Philip Tinari.


The Production | Collection Fund Commissioning Committee has worked with an exceptional group of artists: Agnieszka KurantDala NasserÉdgar CalelMeriem Bennani, Grada Kilomba, Jabu ArnellLuana VitraNolan Oswald DennisMonira Al QadiriRugilė Barzdžiukaitė, Vaiva Grainytė & Lina Lapelyte, Renato LeottaSilvia MartesTolia AstakhishviliWang Tuo and Kan Xuan.

We will inform you continuously about the works and artists joining this list.


The committee members are responsible for the nomination and selection of artists and artworks for acquisition. The selected works are in various phases of production and will be acquired through the Hartwig Art Production | Collection Fund. All the acquired works will be donated to the collection of the Dutch state (the ‘Rijkscollectie’) and will be available for institutional loans in the Netherlands and abroad.

Special Project 2020/21

The inaugural year of the Fund was marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has heavily affected all aspects of society – including artists and cultural institutions. In these critical times we wanted to highlight the importance of institutions and programmes in the Netherlands that provide space and support to artists in the early stages of their practices by inviting them to shape the Special Project 2020/21.

The procedure

We invited the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, De Ateliers, If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution and CBK Zuidoost (all based in Amsterdam) as well as Jan van Eyck Academie (Maastricht), BAK basis voor actuele kunst (Utrecht) and TENT (Rotterdam) to nominate a longlist of 35 artists who took part in their programmes.

De Appel and Framer Framed, two institutions in Amsterdam which actively promote an emerging and diverse group of curators, nominated Sharmyn Cruz Rivera, Iris Ferrer, Aude Christel Mgba, Jo-Lene Ong and Rita Ouédraogo to form the curatorial team of the Special Project 2020/21.

15 artists, 5 venues

In consultation with our five partnering institutions for presentations, the curatorial team made a final selection of 15 artists: Ana Guedes, Anna Dasović, Em’Kal Eyongakpa, Geo Wyeth, Joy Mariama Smith, Kent Chan, Kevin Osepa, Maria Pask, Mariana Castillo Deball, Mariëlle Videler, Neo Matloga, Ola Hassanain, Family Connection (Rudsel Martinus, Glenda Martinus, Gala Martinus, Quinsy Gario, Jörgen Gario, Caldron Lewis and Whitney Lewis), Saeeda Saeed, and Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide).

Their works are presented across the country in the Fall 2021 – Winter 2022 season as part of the exhibition programmes of: Casco Art Institute (Utrecht), Oude Kerk (Amsterdam), Kunstinstituut Melly (Rotterdam), Vleeshal (Middelburg) and Stroom Den Haag (The Hague).


The Special Project 2020/21 runs on a total budget of € 700,000. We allocated € 10,000 per artist to support their practice and another € 300,000 was reserved for the acquisition of the works, which were subsequently donated to the Dutch state (the ‘Rijkscollectie’).

The Hartwig Art Production | Collection Fund is managed and overseen by Hartwig Art Foundation, which pledged an initial amount of € 10 million to ensure the Fund’s long-term activities. As of 2021, an independent Commissioning Committee has been appointed for a three-year term. The committee members are responsible for the nomination and selection of artists and artworks for acquisition.